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How to Use Stickers and Labels in Branding

Stickers and Labels

Good, effective branding need not be expensive. Sure, a fully customized suite of packaging materials plays a large role in getting noticed, but the strategic use of small accessories goes a long way in getting your name out there.

One of the most affordable marketing materials you can customize is also the most affordable: stickers and labels. While they may be small, they certainly have a big effect on your branding efforts. They are versatile and can reach places traditional marketing can’t.

Want to know more how stickers and labels can help you with branding? Read on!

Choose Colors That Reflect Your Brand

One of the most important things to remember when creating custom stickers and labels is to maintain your brand identity. You want your materials to be recognizable wherever it’s seen or placed. If you already have brand colors, you need to use it with your stickers and labels so that it’s more recognizable and boosts name recall.

If you don’t have brand colors yet, pick a color pallette that best represents your brand and what it stands for. Choosing the right hues go a long way in creating a lasting, timeless brand.

Use Logos and Fun Messages to Communicate

One of the main goals for stickers and labels is for your product to stand out. Colors do a lot of the heavy lifting in getting noticed, but the mission of capturing attention lies on the content. The design has to speak to the viewer in such a way that they feel compelled to come closer.

An easy way to accomplish this is through wit and humor. Your design can have a funny message or call to action that brings a smile to your customer’s face. This can also add excitement to otherwise mundane products. A simple frying pan for example, can have a sticker that says ‘Wok With Me’.

You can also use stickers and labels of different shapes and sizes to attract attention. In a sea of cookie-cutter items, the eye of your customers will gravitate to unique shapes and sizes. Make it count!

Use Labels and Stickers as Box Seals

An easy way to direct attention to your stickers and labels is to use it to seal your packages. This way, you’re guaranteed that your customers will see your messaging before they get to open the product. This is a great opportunity to place calls to action or important product details such as ingredients, allergens, and nutritional information.

Create Packaging as Good as Its Contents

A surefire way to boost the effectiveness of your marketing is to combine it with other customized packaging materials. Using custom mailer boxes or shipping boxes together with your stickers and labels will amplify your branding efforts. You can design the packaging materials in such a way that they work together and complement each other. This gives you a cohesive product that provides a complete brand experience for your customers.

While they may be small in stature, custom stickers and labels are a versatile and powerful tool to have in your branding arsenal. They provide a lot of utility, are affordable, and are evergreen. As long as your design reflects what you want to communicate as a brand, stickers and labels will help you a lot in meeting your marketing goals.

Create your own custom stickers and labels at Packola today.